Lose inches off your belly and firm loose skin with a 30 minute infrared wrap

Are you battling middle age spread?

Are you experiencing menapause weight gain?

Are you finding it hard to lose weight?

Then wrap-up, relax and burn off stubborn fat with HEATEK®infrared film

Get targeted fat reduction Lose inches off your tummy Lose inches off your thighs Lose inches off your hips Lose inches off your legs

When your metabolism slows down estrogen levels drop making it more difficult to lose weight, particularly around your middle. HEATEK® Infrared Light Therapy will compensate for a slow metabolism by using heat to re-energise cells to burn fat. This is achieved using Mid-Infrared (MIR) Light which stimulates sweat glands into hyper-activity. It also expels fat, oils and toxins from the subcutaneous fat layer as you sweat.

When your body stops burning fat HEATEK® does it for you

Lose inches off your belly with a 30 minute HEATEK® Infrared Body Wrap. BURN and FIRM naturally while you RELAX. Feel your body actually burning fat within the first few minutes. Wrap-up your TUMMY and lose inches. Wrap-up your THIGHS, LEGS, ARMS and lose inches. HEATEK Infrared body wrap increases skin temperature, causing fats melt and seep out of the skin’s sweat glands. Safe and natural.

I have used this once a week for the last 5 weeks. I have lost 2 1/2 inches from my waist and 1 inch from my thighs. I will continue as this is definitely working.

Mrs A. Knight
Verified review

Turn your body into a fat burning furnace without drugs or creams

With a slow metabolism it’s more difficult to lose weight, particularly around your middle. HEATEK® Infrared Light Therapy increases the body’s natural temperature just enough to re-energise cells to burn fat.

This is achieved using Mid-Infrared (MIR) Light which stimulates sweat glands into hyper-activity. It expels fat, oils and toxins from the subcutaneous fat layer as you sweat. This also burns calories as it speeds up your metabolism.

You’ll see and feel the difference after the first 30 minute session

The natural warmth generated by HEATEK® infrared body wrap speeds up your metabolism. This is part of the endocrine system. This helps regulate your metabolism and other body parts. When the endocrine system isn’t working correctly, it causes your metabolism to slow down, causing you to retain fat. Infrared light can penetrate your skin to reach the endocrine system directly. This stimulation of the endocrine system speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose some of that hard-to-shift fat.

Get salon slimming treatment at home for $1 a session!

HEATEK® Infrared Body Wrap burns fat through the process of thermogenesis. It naturally stimulates the body to produce heat energy, thereby inducing the burning of calories. A 30-minute session kickstarts the burning of fat that lasts up to 24 hours burning up to 2000 calories.

One x3 roll pack of HEATEK® Infrared film is suficcient for

  • 25 tummy wraps or
  • 50 thigh wraps.

Use once and discard.

How does HEATEK® infrared light therapy work?

Infrared light waves penetrate through the dermis to burn fat, tighten skin and firm muscles. Infrared light can penetrate 1.5 inches beneath the skin.

This speeds up the the body’s natural fat burning process. Fat breaks down and becomes water soluble when subjected to infrared light.

Fat cells that are targeted by infrared light release lipids into the bloodstream, enabling them to be released. The fat gets converted into energy thus helping to build muscle-mass.

By wrapping selective areas of the body such as thighs, hips, arms, legs, etc infrared light has proven effective for spot reduction, ie fat burning of specific problem areas.

The FIVE magic layers that create infrared light to burn fat

HEATEK® Infrared Film is made up of five layers that transmit the three levels of infrared wavelengths; NIR, MIR, and FIR.

The film maximises IR light transmission and generates deep infrared wavelengths; steady color transmission; constant temperature regulation and negative heat loss.

NIR (Near-Infrared) penetrates the dermis to stimulate collagen production and promote tissue growth. This helps repair stretch marks and tighten skin.

MIR (Mid-Infrared) penetrates deeper into the body’s soft tissue, increases circulation and burns calories to support healthy weight-loss.

FAR (Far-Infrared) heats your body from the inside. Reaches deep fat cells and muscle to stimulate sweat glands to burn stubborn fat.

How to use HEATEK® infrared body wrap film - STEP by STEP


Wrap the film around the area you need to reduce, ie, your tummy, thighs, hips, legs, etc. Wrap around 5 or 6 layers of film tightly, but not too tight.


No skin preparation required. No cream or gel is necessary. The increase in body heat is generated by infrared light.


Leave the wrap on for 30 – 45 minutes. You will experience a tingling sensation. This shows that the process of fat burning underway.


Do not wear anything over the wrap. The infrared film requires indoor or outdoor light for maximum effect.


After 30 – 45 minutes unwrap the film, rinse area with cold water. Your skin should feel tighter and you should be able to measure the difference.


Repeat the proceedure as often as you like but no more than twice a day in the same body area. Use film once and discard after use.

This product works better than cling film. The infrared creates much more heat and I have seen good results after using it on my belly for 3 weeks.

Ms W. Leong
Verified review

Sit back, relax, grab a coffee while you burn fat and tighten your belly

new spa product

If you’re a couch potato this is the ideal way to shed pounds. Sit back, relax and let HEATEK® do the work. A slow metabolism slows down the fat burning process. But wrap-up with HEATEK® and your body becomes a natural fat burning furnace. Watch tv or work at your desk and lose inches. HEATEK® film will work its magic and help get you back into shape.

Or run, walk, workout, cycle, skip, dance and burn even more fat

HEATEK® burns fat. But if you combine the effects with a workout you’ll burn even more fat and reach your ideal size faster. You can burn an extra 170 calories with a 30 minute moderate paced walk. A moderate jog will burn 288 calories. A 30 minute bike ride is about the same. So, whilst not essential, you can improve your results and improve your health by combining HEATEK® with exercise.

Improve the appearence of cellulite dimpled skin with a HEATEK® wrap

Cellulite dimpled skin can besignificantly reduced with HEATEK® infrared therapy. In fact it can be more effective than creams. That’s because near infrared light stimulates cellular healing on a molecular level, not on the surface of the skin but deep down below the dermis where creams and clay masks cannot penetrate. This stimulates growth of fibroblasts, which boosts collagen and helps reduce cellulite.

Heal stetch mark scars with HEATEK® - just like you are healing a cut

Stretch mark scars can be visibly reduced by treatment with infrared light. Even if they were formed many years ago HEATEK® infrared light therapy can help. In fact it can be more effective than topically applied creams. You can boost the healing process with lnfrared light by stimulating epidermis cells to heal themselves. Infrared light helps Mother Nature repair stretch marks by boosting collagen production to naturally heal damaged skin – just as you would heal a cut.

Get a bigger, tighter butt by firming muscles with HEATEK® infrared film

HEATEK® targets the gluteus maximus muscle group that defines the shape of your butt. It’s better than any cream as FAR infrared light penetrates the dermis to reach muscle mass. Creams can never reach this far. Clinic trials show big improvements in muscle size with infrared film. Develop a larger, more rounded look. Lift a sagging butt without lifting a weight. Wrap once a day and in 30 days you will see and feel the difference.

Firm and reduce your arms - without lifting weights or a dumbell

However much weight you lose your upper arms seem to be imune from your efforts. To get taut and slimmer arms the only way is by spot reduction. Wrapping with HEATEK® targets the fat burning process just where it’s needed. It helps convert flabby arm fat into lean muscle. As you get older the elasticity of your skin decreases and it becomes harder to lose fat. Wrap once a day for 30 days and you’ll see a big improvement.

Max out your workout with HEATEK® - get bigger muscles faster

Wrap with HEATEK® infrared film to maximise the conversion of fat to muscle when you workout. Research in the US Journal of Physical Medicine found infrared film improves muscle tissue, naturally increasing muscle size, bulk and strength. The European Journal of Physiology found muscle thickness and strength improved by over 50% using infrared film. Use HEATEK® when you workout and get bigger muscles for the same effort.

Nobel Prize-winning infrared therapy treats a host of medical issues

Dr Niels Finsen was the first to develop infrared light for a variety of health applications.

For this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1906. HEATEK® infrared film utilises the health benefits of infrared healing discovered by Dr Finsen and makes them available at an affordable price. We’re committed to further advancing this technology in the area of weight management, skin healing of stretch marks and cellulite reduction.

Clinical Trial - Fat-loss results boosted with infrared light

A 2006 study by Frank Möckel et al. measured obese women using a stationary bike whilst also receiving orange, red and infrared light to areas such as waist, hip, and thighs. The effects were compared to a group that still exercised, but received no light. Body weight and hip/waist/thigh measurements were significantly decreased in the light group compared to the control.

I am recommending Heatek because after 3 weeks my skin is tighter and I have lost 2 inches from my tummy. When you use it there is a definite burning sensation which probably shows it’s working.

Mrs Y. Zillman
Verified review

Five take-away points to consider before buying HEATEK® infrared film

  • HEATEK® is backed by scientific research showing that infrared light burns fat
  • HEATEK® burns 50% more fat than non-infrared body wraps that use clear or black film
  • HEATEK® works better than LED lamps as film pumps out sweat to expel fat/toxins
  • HEATEK® costs only $1 per wrap – much cheaper than salon infrared treatments
  • HEATEK® requires no creams or gels to melt fat – it uses safe, natural, infrared light

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