
New spa product helps women fight menopausal weight gain

Rebecca Appleton,
MA., IDM Cert.,
UK Press Gazette Award

Inconvenient and occasionally messy as the menstrual cycle is – particularly with its tendency to arrive precisely in the middle of that beach vacation we’ve been dreaming of all year – few older women will admit to being fonder of the effects of menopausal. But this new spa product for weight loss can really help.

During menopause a woman’s ovaries gradually produce fewer hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. This hormonal shift leads to a lot more than just the end of menstrual periods and fertility. From hot flashes and night sweats to mood changes, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, and loss of libido as well as fatigue, there is no shortage of side effects for women to deal with. And, frustratingly, weight gain is among them.

As well as playing a role in menstrual cycles, estrogen helps regulate metabolism and body fat distribution. When the estrogen decreases, the body may store more fat, particularly around the abdomen. This happens as women age and become less active, with muscle mass giving way to fat, this can lead to an increase in visceral fat. Visceral fat associates with various health risks such as cardiovascular diseases and Type 2 diabetes, not only because it’s unsightly which makes it not good news for everyone.

Weight loss

When it comes to keeping weight down, the classic advice boils down to “eat less, move more”. It doesn’t work for everyone; weight loss is a deeply personal journey with more complexities than we’d like to believe. It can be frustrating to ageing women whose metabolism has suddenly slowed to a crawl with the arrival of menopause.

As writer and actress Sandra Tsing Loh said, “The literature of menopause is the saddest, the most awful, and the most medical of all genres. You’re sleepless, you’re anxious, you’re fat, you’re depressed – and the advice is always the same: take more walks, eat some kale, and drink lots of water. It didn’t help.”

Rather than fasting like monks from the Middle Ages and pushing their bodies to the limit, many women turn to spas and beauty salons for help fighting off the midlife weight gain – and now, there is one more instrument, a new spa product to help them.

An amazing new spa product for post-menopausal slimming

HEATEK® Infrared Body Wrap is an innovative way to burn stubborn fat – essentially. All you need to do is wrap it around the area and let it fat burn in 30-minutes long sittings.

Thanks to the use of Mid-Infrared (MIR) Light, these spa product wraps stimulate sweat glands into hyper-activity through the process of thermogenesis. It burns calories and fats, then will expel them through sweat alongside oils and toxins.

In short, it speeds up the lagging metabolism and helps lose inches across the tummy, thighs, arms – anywhere it’s applied!

A 30-minute session kickstarts up to 24 hours of fat burning of up to 2,000 calories; that is about the same average daily calorie intake of a woman aged 19–50 years, done in just 30 minutes of relaxing (and sweating).

A smart addition to your spa’s treatment menu

With no preparation of the skin needed before applying the wrap, HEATEK® can be easily used at home directly by women who wish to shed some pounds and lose inches off their tummies, thighs and arms – but it is an ideal addition to the offerings of any spa, as the session can take place at the same time as other treatments. Using this new spa product, clients can wrap up and then proceed to get other treatments – such as getting their nails or hair done – while the HEATEK® works its fat-melting magic.

Research on Infrared light

new spa product

There’s no magic involved, only science!

Danish physician Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen led the first groundbreaking research into Light Therapy and Infrared Light. He earned a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903.

By observing the effects of sunlight on the human body, Finsen was the first one to understand that certain wavelengths of light could have therapeutic effects on various diseases. He used ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light for medical purposes. He invented a device which emitted a concentrated form of ultraviolet light to treat skin conditions through exposure.

His work contributed to the understanding of how different wavelengths of light interact with the skin and tissues. It leads to advancements in phototherapy and the development of devices used in modern medical practice. Indeed, his work is at the very basis of HEATEK®. Once wrapped around the area of interest and exposed to light – either outdoor or indoor! – the infrared film will get to work, burning 50% more fat than other, non-infrared body wraps.

Made up of five layers which transmit the three levels of infrared wavelengths – NIR, MIR, and FIR. HEATEK® allows for a lot more than just fat burning. It can also treat scar tissue, stretch marks, flabby skin, cellulite and other blemishes by giving noticeable results in a few sessions and with very little effort.

How does the new spa product works?

You need to wrap HEATEK® film firmly, not too tight, around the treatment area – in five or six layers. Remember, no clothing must go on top, as the film needs light in order to work. You can leave it on for sessions between 30 to 45 minutes, letting the heat do the work. No need to worry in case of a tingling sensation, it’s just the wrap doing all the work for you! (Of course, wearing it during workouts makes it more effective. But why encourage your spa clients to work out when they can see results as they relax?)

Once the session is over, it’s time to undo the wrap and rinse the area with cold water. Your client’s skin should feel tighter, and you may just be able to tell the difference with tape at hand! If not, don’t worry: all bodies and skin types are different, so it may take some people more than one session to achieve ideal results. Don’t be in a rush and don’t use the wrap twice on the same client and on the same area.

A new revenue stream

new spa product

HEATEK® is an easy, convenient, and time-effective way to add weight loss to a relaxing spa day. Not only that, but this new spa product is cheap too – costing only $1 per wrap. Adding HEATEK® to your treatment menu is an easy way to diversify your weight loss treatments. It tailor programs to menopausal clients, all while keeping your valued customers coming back for more.

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