

Amazing new product for firming muscles

Rebecca Appleton,
MA., IDM Cert.,
UK Press Gazette Award

Maintaining muscle firmness is not easy: it requires exercise, a balanced diet, and the willpower to do both things on a regular basis. As time passes, this can become more and more of an uphill battle.

The quest for those coveted, well-defined muscles becomes increasingly arduous as we age. Why? It’s a combination of factors. The natural decline in muscle mass, known as sarcopenia, plays a pivotal role.  Starting as early as our 30s, we gradually lose muscle tissue. This loss can be attributed to various factors, including hormonal changes, reduced physical activity, and changes in metabolism; each of these factors contribute to a loss of muscle volume and definition.

However, there is something else that can hinder visible muscle firmness definition – and that’s our skin! Think of the largest organ in our body as a dress; if the dress fits snugly, it will show off our hard-earned muscle mass. However, if the fit is less than ideal, with sagging fabric, even the most honed physique will not show.

Showing off is certainly not the main reason why one should seek to keep fit, but it doesn’t hurt either – and fortunately, there is an amazing new product to help keep the skin firm!

Unveiling the Muscles Beneath

With metabolism turning sluggish as we age, it becomes easier to store fat, which then stubbornly refuses to go away. This is the first hindrance life throws our way when it comes to muscle definition, but it’s not the last!

As skin loses its elasticity and firmness, it begins to sag. It obscures the contours and lines that reveal the underlying muscle structure. While exercise remains paramount for muscle development, addressing sagging skin is a crucial component for genuinely showcasing hard-earned muscles.

But now, HEATEK® Infrared Light Therapy is set to change the game.  This innovative solution not only tightens sagging skin but also reinvigorates muscle definition. It makes the skin firmer in sessions as short as 30 minutes. By harnessing advanced heat therapy technology to stimulate collagen production within the skin’s layers, these infrared wraps help improve skin elasticity and texture. But the influence of HEATEK extends beyond surface-level improvements. Quite literally helping you sweat the fat away, it gets rid of that layer of fat that gets in the way of muscle definition.

As the skin tightens and regains its youthful firmness, and the layer of fat melts away, the underlying muscles gain prominence and definition. But how does it work?

A targeted solution for muscle firmness

Employing cutting-edge heat therapy technology, HEATEK has carved a niche for itself by providing a non-invasive and targeted solution to help individuals shed unwanted fat and achieve their desired physique. At the heart of HEATEK’s effectiveness is its ability to stimulate fat loss through a process known as thermogenesis.

During a HEATEK treatment, It delivers controlled heat to specific areas of the body effortlessly. Thanks to the action of light through the wraps! This generates heat that penetrates deep into the underlying fat layers, accelerating the metabolic rate of fat cells. As a result, fat cells release stores triglycerides, which are then processed and eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes.

Additionally, the NIR (Near-Infrared) light stimulates the production of collagen, leading to a tightening of the skin, so that patients can immediately show off the muscle once hidden beneath a layer of fat! And that’s not all: by stimulating the production of collagen to tighten skin, HEATEK helps deal with another annoying issue skin might have when it’s been stretched before sagging – of course, we’re talking about stretch marks!

Addressing stretch marks

Stretch marks, medically known as striae (yes, they have a medical name!) are a form of scarring. It occurs when the skin stretches rapidly and beyond its capacity to adjust. This stretching causes the collagen and elastin fibres in the skin’s middle layer, the dermis, to rupture. As the skin heals, it forms scar tissue, resulting in the characteristic lines often varying in colour from pink to purple and eventually fading to silver or white.

Stretch marks are something most women have to deal with sooner or later. Often left in the aftermath of rapid growth, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy, they tend to be most visible when fresh. Stretch marks are most commonly found on the tummy, breasts, chest, upper arms, legs, bottom, hips or back; while they do fade over time, they usually remain visible, and can erode self-confidence.

Here, HEATEK’s collagen-stimulating prowess comes into play once more. By catalysing collagen production, HEATEK contributes to the improvement of stretch marks, paving the way for smoother and more evenly textured skin.

HEATEK’s efficacy in minimizing stretch marks lies in its ability to target the underlying causes of their appearance. As we’ve seen, the rupture of collagen and elastin fibers in the dermis, resulting in scar tissue formation.

How it works: Muscle firmness


When we apply HEATEK treatment to the targeted areas, controlled heat penetrates the skin’s layers, stimulating collagen production. This collagen stimulation initiates a natural healing response within the skin. As new collagen forms, the skin’s texture and elasticity improve, leading to a reduction in the appearance of stretch marks.

HEATEK’s precision in targeting stretch marks sets it apart. By focusing on the scarred areas – you can decide where to wrap and how often! – HEATEK helps restore the skin’s suppleness and smoothness. Over time, as collagen continues to develop, the texture of stretch marks becomes less pronounced. It creates a more even skin surface.

Spas and wellness centres can use HEATEK to help their clients lose fat, tighten skin, and reduce stretch marks. All in short sessions lasting 30 to 45 minutes, with no effort required. What is there not to love? Clients will be back for more and leave each time happy to be free of unwanted fat, sagging skin, or unsightly stretch marks. It will allow them to show off their hard-earned, well-toned muscles!

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