
reducing cellulite

Reducing cellulite: The best new way to get rid of it

Rebecca Appleton,
MA., IDM Cert.,
UK Press Gazette Award

Most of us have been through something like this: you’re at the beach, soaking up the sun, feeling great in your swimsuit. But then, you catch a glimpse of it – the stubborn dimples on your skin, impossible to unsee once they have been seen. Cue the dramatic music as you realize that you need to add another problem to your list: reducing cellulite. It’s like that distant relative who shows up unannounced for dinner – you didn’t invite it, but there it is, making itself at home.

But what exactly is cellulite? The term refers to the dimpled, lumpy appearance of the skin (not unlike orange peel), usually found on the thighs, buttocks, and sometimes even on the abdomen or arms. It’s not a medical condition, but rather a common cosmetic concern that affects people of all shapes and sizes. ‘Common’ may be an understatement, really: there are very few women in the world who can safely say they never had any cellulite at all. Yes, this absolutely does include the most beautiful movie stars you can think of.

What causes cellulite?

Contrary to popular belief, cellulite isn’t just about your weight or fitness level. It’s more like a complex conspiracy involving fat, connective tissue, and the way they play together. Beneath the skin lies a net of connective tissue. When fat cells decide to join the party and push through this net, they create those dimples we love to hate. As for the why? Blame hormones, genetics, and even poor blood circulation; a perfect weight and amazing fitness levels may not be enough to save you.  

So, what can save you? It’s a question with many answers and many of them misleading. There’s a whole industry built around it, promising smooth skin like a photoshopped picture; actually, ‘miracle cures’ for cellulite by far pre-date the invention of Photoshop. From creams and massages to high-tech gadgets, the options seem endless – but many of these methods end up being more like snake oil than real solutions. Why? Because they often make unrealistic promises of ridding us of cellulite for good, which is far easier to say than do!

Reducing Cellulite: What can we do?

Cellulite isn’t a problem you can solve overnight, like finding your missing sock under the bed. It’s like a puzzle, the pieces scattered across various aspects of our bodies, genetics, and lifestyles.  Regular exercise, a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy weight. They can contribute to overall skin health, but they’re not always enough. In many cases, there is no miracle cure that will magically banish cellulite for good. Even the most expensive gadgets can’t change your genetics or hormones.

But what we can do is change our approach and accept that it’s simply something that is now part of the skin care routine. The fact our hair grows longer and will need to be cut again doesn’t necessarily make a haircut bad. It is simply unrealistic to expect it to last without maintenance over time. The same goes for our nails, eyebrow waxing, and so on. And wouldn’t it be perfect to have a way reducing cellulite while we’re being pampered with any of the above?

Introducing a must-try new product in reducing cellulite

reduce cellulite

Beauty clinics and spas are in luck: there is a solution, and it’s bound to hit with clients looking to reduce cellulite efficiently with simple, 30 to 45 minutes long sessions. The same time you need for a manicure, a pedicure, getting a haircut, or about any other service available in Spas and wellness centres. It sounds like magic, but it’s just HEATEK® Infrared Body Wrap!

When wrapped around the area in five or six layers and subjected to light – both sunlight and indoor lighting work. The infrared film initiates a process, incinerating 50% more fat compared to traditional non-infrared body wraps. Each layer of HEATEK® is made of five layers enabling transmission of three levels of infrared wavelengths. Those are NIR, MIR, and FIR. It facilitates not only fat burning but also the treatment of scar tissue, stretch marks, flaccid skin. And, as you might have guessed at this point – cellulite.

This effectiveness stems from near infrared light’s stimulation of cellular healing on a molecular plane, penetrating beyond the skin’s surface to deeper levels below the dermis. That is where the source of cellulite is, well out of reach for creams and clay masks. This process starts as soon HEATEK® is on, and fosters fibroblast growth. Fibroblast is a type of cell that, by secreting collagen proteins, serves to form and maintain connective tissue. The fibrous cellular material which connects and supports all tissues in the body.

A revenue-boosting addition to your spa or wellness clinic

It’s easy to see how bolstering collagen production can aid in cellulite reduction. This results in quick, visible results quickly, requiring minimal exertion in reducing cellulite. If it sounds all very simple, it’s because it is! Clients will be able to see the difference as soon as the wraps are off! At only $1 per wrap, it’s a cheap as well as effective solution to return a smoother appearance to dimpled skin.

If your clients have never tried HEATEK® Infrared Body Wrap, it’s time they do! Perhaps you could consider offering the first treatment for free. Having them wear the wrap during their scheduled treatment so that they can try it out. Once they see (and feel!) how well it works with their own two eyes, they’ll no longer go without. The wraps also help melt fat and take inches off any area of the body, which never hurts.

Reducing cellulite can be a lifelong battle for reasons well outside our control. Although some treatments work better than others, and the results last longer. HEATEK® acts deep under the skin layers to the root of the problem and delivers visible results that last longer. And out of all the possible treatments – from creams to apply daily to massages and exercise – getting to wrap up and relax while enjoying some pampering is far from the most unpleasant one!

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